Ella and I slept well and woke up refreshed. We were able to skpe with Gabe and the boys before breakfast. We once again boarded the bus. Today was a busy day. We went to the CCAA--China Center of Adoption Affairs-- which is the government agency that handles adoptions in China. The building was very modern. We saw the various offices that review the children's files and the parent's files. We also saw the miracle of the matching room where somehow, the workers match the families with the perfect child for them. After listening to the process, I still don't understand it. It must be Magic. Ella couldn't be a more perfect daughter/sister for our family. Everyone I know who has adopted from China feels the same way about their child.

After the girls learned Caligraphy and singing, we all left for a fancy Thai lunch and then headed for the Forbidden City.

Tiannamen Square where each post represents a different ethnic minority in China including the majority-the Han people.

We had a tour of the Forbidden City--seeing buildings, gardens and of course statues.

The last stop was the Pearl River District where we had just over an hour to shop. Ella and I were overwhelmed, but we still managed to buy Chinese robes, pjs for Ella, ear muffs for the boys and a wallet for me. I don't have any pictures, but I do know where to shop when I return to China.
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